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There are several challenges with traditional jetty structures. They have significant environmental impacts on local biodiversity and sea morphology, and they are constructed using massive amounts of carbon-intensive materials such as cement and steel. It is counterproductive to use technology that damages the environment when there are better solutions available with a low environmental footprint, lower cost, less lead time, and better scalability.

Attractive option to fixed infrastructure

ECOnnect Energy has developed a cost-efficient system for safe transfer of LNG, ammonia and CO2 between vessels and storage tanks, bypassing the need for building excessive jetties, quays or dredge large areas of the seabed. The floating ECOnnect IQuay System is an increasingly attractive option to save the environmental costs of constructing fixed infrastructure in marine environments, while also providing effective transport and storage methods for emerging ammonia and carbon capture value chains. Jettyless receiving and distribution technology is designed to have a reduced life cycle cost and be easily repurposed according to energy demand.

Numerous advantages

Compared to traditional infrastructure, floating jetty terminals offer reduced lead time, increased flexibility, smaller environmental impact, and a significant reduction in CAPEX and OPEX expenditure. It can also provide significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions and a superior life cycle cost when compared to a traditional jetty. Floating jetty terminals can be designed to fit specific project needs as an interface platform with all necessary safety and process systems for effective mooring alongside any vessel, and they also enable energy import and export in areas where ocean conditions or geography may be challenging for conventional options.

About the company

ECOnnect bridges the energy gap with smart, jettyless, and fast marine terminal solutions. ECOnnect enables the loading and offloading of various cryogenic fuels such as LNG, ammonia, and liquid CO2 for carbon capture and e-fuel synthesis purposes. Featuring a low-impact design and universal vessel interface, the jettyless terminal operates with minimal disturbance to aquatic ecosystems, and can operate in all weather, contributing to greater operational uptime. ECOnnect is committed to providing clean energy, globally.