A digital twin is being used to trial care of the elderly
The UK city of Liverpool is testing whether the 5G technology of the future will be suitable for social services by means of a digital model. A specific example is support for seniors who live alone.
The Liverpool-based company CGA Simulation has designed a digital twin of the area of Kensington, which is being used to test the use of fast Internet access points. The main aim is to provide the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen university hospitals that are based there and the city’s social services for the elderly with fast access to the Internet of Things (IoT). Seniors who live alone will be able to socialize via an app. A pharmaceutical assistant is also being planned, which will facilitate video phone calls to a pharmacist, as is a sensor system that reports falls and dehydration. The entire network is intended to work with 60 GHz millimeter waves, which allow particularly high data transmission rates.
Liverpool is not the first British city to work with digital twins, though. Back in March 2018, Bristol presented a digital twin of the city that is currently being used to plan the 5G network.
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