Exhibitors & Products

By linking BCAP ( Bilfinger Connected Asset Performance ) to Software AG's Cumulocity IoT platform, both manufacturers want to launch a comprehensive, customizable IIoT solution for the process industry designed to maximize overall equipment effectiveness. While BCAP offers Industry 4.0 capabilities for industrial data acquisition and evaluation, predictive plant maintenance, and digital connectivity, Cumulocity enables IoT services as on-premises, SaaS, or PaaS solutions . Cumulocity itself began as a startup company and was acquired by Software AG in 2017 . The approach also includes predictive maintenance capabilities, track-and-trace as well as condition monitoring applications, and has a standardized programming interface that allows development of proprietary services.

The integration of Cumulocity into BCAP is expected to facilitate the connection of networked devices and sensors so companies can collect and evaluate additional data. Bilfinger is currently characterized by a great readiness to cooperate when it comes to sharpening its own IoT profile and developing corresponding services and offers: In addition to a technical partnership with Microsoft Germany , the company also announced more intensive cooperation with Siemens AG .