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The mobile application receives the corresponding information directly from the Comos Asset Information Management System and can in turn also send updated data to the system. The digital twin of the system thus remains up to date even in the event of a fault: a “consistent and uninterrupted digital data storage right into the field and back.”

The Mobile Operations App distinguishes between maintenance and events. Unscheduled operations can be accurately assigned and tracked by maintenance personnel, scheduled maintenance work is clearly listed, including materials, documents, and equipment information. The app recognizes assets in the field by QR code or RFID. Siemens primarily targets the water and wastewater, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, oil and gas, as well as utilities industries. For example, the Austrian municipality of Bischofshofen uses Comos to digitally bundle and centrally manage data from the sewer system, drinking water pipes, power supply lines, and street lighting. Siemens supports a large number of interfaces so that existing systems can be seamlessly integrated. The program director, Claus Salzmann , expressly praises the flexibility of Munich team. “Feedback and suggestions are taken very seriously at Siemens. Appropriate handlings are then available within a short time.”