Bosch Rexroth acquires Elmo Motion Control
The Israeli company Elmo develops and produces electrical high-end servo drives and motion controls for industrial automation. The high performance, extremely space-saving and precise drives complement the Bosch Rexroth product portfolio around the ctrlX AUTOMATION automation platform.
Bosch and Elmo signed an agreement to that effect on September 4th, 2022. The transaction is subject to antitrust approvals. There is continuously growing demand for smart automation and Industry 4.0 solutions that increase productivity in factories and conserve resources. “Factory automation is a clear focus topic at Bosch Rexroth. We are strengthening our portfolio both organically through the development of innovative products such as ctrlX AUTOMATION and through appropriate acquisitions such as Elmo,” says Thomas Fechner, Head of the Bosch Rexroth Automation and Electrification Solutions Business Unit. The acquisition will combine the innovative strength and dynamics of Elmo with the factory automation expertise of Bosch Rexroth. Bosch’s intentions are to enhance Elmo’s capabilities of developing and manufacturing the most advanced motion and servo control products.
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