Exhibitors & Products

Network coverage is still very limited, but is to be significantly expanded by the end of the year. According to a press release from Deutsche Telekom, the Group’s 5G network is now available to customers in Bonn and Berlin. By the end of the year, 300 antennas for 5G technology are to be installed here, as well as in Darmstadt, Hamburg, Leipzig, and Munich. In the upcoming 18 months, the 20 largest cities in Germany will be connected with the new wireless technology. The new transmitter stations are not compatible with the older 3G and 4G networks. The expansion of the LTE network will therefore also continue, primarily to cover dead zones.

The Samsung Galaxy S10 5G is the first 5G device to be available in Telekom shops. On Samsung’s website, it is listed as a Deutsche Telekom or Vodafone smartphone for €1,199, but is currently not available. Deutsche Telekom plans to offer it in conjunction with the Magenta Mobil XL Special rate plan for €899.95. The monthly fee for the only 5G rate plan currently available is €84.95. Deutsche Telekom is also promoting the mobile HTC 5G Hub for €555.55, which can connect 20 devices to the Internet at speeds of up to 1 GBit/s. The associated Magenta Mobil Speedbox XL rate plan costs €74.95 per month.