A Samsung Trend Report outlines the workplace of the future
Human judgment and creative thinking will be the hallmarks of future talents according to the “#NewOfficeRoutines” Samsung Trend Study, which is exactly what automation and artificial intelligence cannot replace.
Overall, the magazine-style publication describes a development of the working world towards the “open economy age,” as Martin Böker, B2B Director at Samsung, put it. He takes up a concept with which the high-tech manufacturer has already characterized the increasingly important role of freelancers . The business world will probably have to free itself from many other fixed ideas, such as fixed office hours as well as long-term employment. “Keep in mind that fixed hours and places of work are legacies from the industrial age,” says Simone Janson of Berufebilder .
In its trend report, Samsung also addresses the different views of employers and employees. Apparently, employers are satisfied with offering home office and providing equipment for mobile work. Employees, on the other hand, want more flexible working hours, location-independent data access, fast network connection, paperless work, and less compulsory presence.
Experts expect that machines and algorithms will take over a large part of the routine tasks in the working world of the future. Demanding, creative activities, however, will continue to be reserved for people who, relieved of routines, can be more productive than they are today. Overall, digitization will not lead to a loss of jobs , but to significantly changed activities and work processes.
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