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In a world where commercial and industrial processes have long since become globalized, people have developed a range of strategies for dealing with each other. While some retreat into isolation - out of fear or a realization they can’t keep up with the global machine - others have a more outgoing approach based on a desire to learn from each other and create a common framework. The HARTING Technology Group - a pioneer in Industry 4.0 solutions - certainly belongs to the latter group. As a founder member of ‘Robotation Academy Foshan', it is nurturing the transformation process for smart manufacturing in China.

Over recent years, Foshan, a metropolis that is home to more than seven million people in the Province of Guangdong, has become one of China’s leading industrial centers. Recently established there in collaboration with HANNOVER MESSE, the 'Robotation Academy' brings together 21 companies from the fields of robotics, automation and Industry 4.0. By hosting and organizing courses, conferences and presentations on future technological trends, the Academy aims to bring companies in Guangdong bang up to speed with the latest developments. "The Academy is an amazing springboard for HARTING staff and customers who want to put technical theory into practice. The partnership with the ‘Robotation Academy Foshan' gives HARTING the opportunity to expand smart manufacturing expertise and technology in south China, which is a key region for HARTING," explains Ellen McMillan, General Manager HARTING Greater China.

One of the first projects the company is running at the 'Robotation Academy' is the presentation of HARTING MICA (Modular Industry Computing Architecture). MICA is a rapid and user-friendly tool for implementing digitization processes in plants and machines. Thanks to its open, modular system, HARTING MICA can be adapted to specific customer requirements using the relevant hardware, software and special interfaces.