Exhibitors & Products

Bionic Robotics GmbH, an innovation-driven spin-off from TU Darmstadt founded in 2010, focuses primarily on developing and manufacturing super-light robotic arms. The lightweight robot called BioRob that the company is exhibiting at HANNOVER MESSE 2016 is very similar to an exceptionally successful role model in the way it moves and its size – the human arm. It is similarly versatile, its four-to-five joints make it extremely flexible, and with its drives located in the base the robotic arm itself weighs very little. This makes BioRob the perfect industrial automation robot for performing transportation, pick & place, palletizing and alternating handling tasks involving small or medium-sized batches.

Thanks to its prize-winning, patented and bionic-inspired drive concept, which gives the robot arm a very light and flexible structure, people can safely venture within its reach. BioRob also meets the new ISO/TS 15066:2016 standards for collaborative robots, which makes it the only robot on the market without complex sensor and control technology that is suitable for human-machine interaction. Even at high speeds, thanks to its lightweight construction, the forces involved in any accidental contact with human co-workers would be so low that there is no risk of injury. This makes expensive protective enclosures, guards or other barriers a thing of the past.

Bionic Robotics GmbH (64295 Darmstadt, Germany), Hall 17, Stand D01
