A completely new generation robots!
After continuous updates of its CB1, CB2, and CB3 series of collaborative robots (Cobots), Universal Robots (UR) introduces a completely new generation robots onto the market.
What is the name of your product?
Universal Robots e-Series (with models UR3e, UR5e and UR10e)
What is new/innovative about it?
After continuous updates of its CB1, CB2, and CB3 series of collaborative robots (Cobots), Universal Robots (UR) introduces a completely new generation robots onto the market. Alt-hough the design is similar to the predecessor models UR3, UR5 and UR10, the robots of the e-Series UR3e, UR5e and UR10e (named after their payload in kilograms) have fundamental-ly improved and new functions - including a force-torque sensor integrated on the tool flange for sensitive detection of force effects and fast contact detection.
The technological creativity of the e-Series is based on the combination of powerful control technology for safe, collaborative operation, intuitive user guidance and compact design. Its quality claim is adequately documented by TÜV Nord certification of all 17 safety functions according to EN ISO 13849-1 and EN ISO 10218-1; Cat. 3 PLd. According to our own knowledge, the scope of this certification is unique compared to Cobots of other manufac-turers. In comparison to the state of the art, the e-Series relies on an innovative approach in safety control. The stop time and stop distance functions are particularly noteworthy - they are so far unique in the robotics market. The idea behind it: In collaborative applications, external safety devices (such as step mats or light barriers) often trigger the stop of a Cobot when a person enters its work area. Validating this type of risk reduction was extremely time-consuming in the past. The e-Series, on the other hand, facilitates the risk assessment through the two new functions.
What is the product’s main benefit for the customer?
The e-Series offers users an even greater and more flexible range of applications, since pro-cesses such as polishing can be implemented even without the purchase of an additional end component (such as the force-torque sensor). The two safety functions of the safety-monitored stop time and the safety-monitored stop distance, the possibility of including the elbow of the robot arm in the force, speed and distance monitoring as well as the tool room monitoring also set new standards for collaborative applications as a whole. Other features of the robots that significantly simplify process automation are the improved programming flow and the serial interface on the tool flange for uncomplicated tool communication and integration.
Why would you call your product “intelligent”?
The main sales market for the e-Series are small and medium-sized businesses. There is great potential behind this, as 90 percent of potential customers have not yet dealt with the topic of collaborative robotics. The trend in companies that already use Cobots is also to-wards second and third robots. This is because there are still areas of application in these companies that have not been automated so far. The e-Series enables both newcomers and existing customers to easily automate and optimize production. The robot models of the CB1, CB2 and CB3 series have been successfully used 31,000 times so far. It is to be expected that the e-Series will follow.
Are there any other important points that you can think of?
The e-Series offers companies of all industries and sizes easy access to process automation. This enables them to respond more effectively to social challenges such as the growing shortage of skilled workers. Highly qualified workers are relieved of routine tasks by the use of Cobots and are released for more demanding tasks that generate greater added value. The new generation of robots meets economic trends such as the increasing individualization of products and thus also production layouts with its flexibility. Once programs have been set up, they can be saved. The integrated force-torque sensor expands the range of applications. The intuitive programming flow ensures that the automation solution can be set up quickly and precisely - without external IT specialists having to be consulted.
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