Exhibitors & Products

Visitors to HANNOVER MESSE 2019 can try out the "Kinemic Band", which is already being used by several major companies, at the stands of SAP, Trebing + Himstedt, Elabo and, of course, Kinemic itself. Dr. Christoph Amma, Managing Director of Kinemic GmbH, outlines how the start-up plans to make industrial workflows simpler, quicker and more convenient with its wearable: “By developing the 'Kinemic Band', we've made gesture control available to every employee and made it fit for industrial use. We have created a new kind of interaction that is very natural, personal and even fun. With the help of hands-free operation, we’ve also managed to achieve significant improvements for our industrial customers in terms of the efficiency and usability of their digital assistance systems.”

The "Kinemic Band" uses a sensor connected via Bluetooth to transmit the wearer's movement data. The band also boasts a battery life of up to twelve hours to ensure it has no problem lasting an entire shift. The "Kinemic Band" software recognizes twelve gestures, which can be assigned to commands, keyboard inputs, macros or program actions. The gesture recognition system does not have to be activated separately. Instead, the intelligent software uses state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to recognize whether it is dealing with a deliberate gesture or a normal, everyday movement. The "Kinemic Band" also features AirMouse technology designed to track the user's wrist movements directly, which - according to Kinemic - makes it ideal for certain tasks, such as entering numbers, changing volume or adjusting controls.

The band underwent extensive testing with pilot customers during the development stage. In fact, some companies are already supporting the "Kinemic Band" with their software, including Ubimax, bitnamic, ioxp and Deutsche Bahn. Given that it fully supports mobile and hands-free workflows, and can even be worn under gloves, the band is said to accommodate a very wide range of applications - from assembly assistance systems, AR-supported maintenance, and remote maintenance to quality control, cleanroom, food production and many more.