ABB Ability™ Smart Sensor for mounted bearings
The ABB Ability Smart Sensor for mounted bearings analyzes the health check of the bearing based on vibration and temperature data and provides early warning of possible problems.
What is the name of your product?
ABB Ability™ Smart Sensor for mounted bearings
What problem does your product solve?
The ABB Ability Smart Sensor for mounted bearings analyzes the health check of the bearing based on vibration and temperature data and provides early warning of possible problems. Unexpected downtime of systems are thus avoided and the equipment life is extended.
What is new/innovative about it?
With the ABB Ability Smart Sensors for motors and pumps, ABB already has two revolutionary solutions for the predictive maintenance of low voltage motors and pumps in their portfolio. The company has now adapted its innovative smart sensor technology to Dodge mounted bearings, complementing its portfolio ABB Ability condition monitoring for powertrains.
What is the product’s main benefit for the customer?
Why would you call your product “intelligent”?
The smart sensor enables “health checks” for bearings. The sensor uses the latest algorithms to assess, manage and ensure performance of components.
Are there any other important points that you can think of?
Eighty percent of bearing failures are lubrication related and a bearing “running hot” can indicate that proper lubrication procedures are not in place.
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