Exhibitors & Products

Located in the heart of the Frankfurt metropolitan region, the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (UAS) is known for its practical innovations. Particularly when it comes to applications-oriented scientific expertise and the development of solutions involving challenges in the spheres of technology, economics and social affairs, the university's Innovation, Research and Transfer department (FIT) is the ideal contact partner. At HANNOVER MESSE 2018, UAS is teaming up with the Frankfurt-based FES waste management enterprise to present a project for the conservation of natural resources and the improvement of air purity and the quality of life for the city’'s residents. With the support of the state of Hesse, researchers at FIT are testing the feasibility of using waste collection vehicles powered by natural gas-electric hybrid drives, compared with the currently-used diesel drives. Among other things, the study will measure and record the exhaust and noise emissions from diesel-powered waste collection vehicles in actual operation.

The accurate placement of the necessary measuring probes, especially microphones, often requires lengthy alignment work. Up to now, either complicated auxiliary designs were used or testers had to rely even on the naked eye - which predictably led to inaccuracies, especially in the case of handheld measuring probes. But now, thanks to the options offered by augmented reality, new approaches to the exact positioning of the measuring microphones are available. Instead of the previous physical auxiliary constructions, virtual grids are now used on data glasses, with which the probes can be aligned simply and precisely. This not only improves efficiency, but also significantly increases the quality of the results due to the elimination of designs that can have an influence on the sound field. Visitors to HANNOVER MESSE can also stop by the UAS exhibition stand to put on AR data glasses and view the emissions behavior of a garbage truck.