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The strategic partnership agreement between eco - Association of the Internet Industry and the German AI Association was signed on March 28. Both associations see artificial intelligence as the key technology for digitalization in the 21st century – a technology that will open up a market worth billions. Their first joint project is the introduction of an AI seal of quality, which the German AI Association has developed: “A credible and transparent quality control for the ethical use of AI can become an important locational factor for Europe as a digital location. The AI seal of quality is an important step toward this,” says Jörg Bienert, President of the German AI Association. “Digitalization must serve people and society,” adds eco Board Member Prof. Norbert Pohlmann.

eco and the German AI Association believe that for Germany to be able to compete on the global AI market, pertinent legal and social issues need to be clarified and AI-related training and innovations need to be supported. Within the scope of their partnership, the two associations want to address these points jointly and to develop appropriate solutions.