Bremen wants to consolidate its status as an AI hotspot
Startup Raise Robotics is to be founded as a spin-off of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), with the aim of becoming a hotspot for robotics and artificial intelligence (AI).
In addition to the research center, four university professors and the federal state of Bremen are involved in setting up Raise Robotics . The new company wants to harness the potential of the high demand for technologies like assistive robot systems and AI solutions. It also aims to keep in Bremen DFKI employees wishing to pursue their career in the industry. The founders are confident that the “optimal working conditions” will attract international experts and talent.
The DFKI in Bremen is already considered one of the world’s leading centers for the development of robotic systems and intelligent technologies. The startup’s UPS is that it covers the entire spectrum of technology development – from computer systems, control technology, and machine learning for human/robot interaction through to software engineering and the implementation of knowledge-based autonomy.
Analyses and studies show that the market for robotics and AI is growing rapidly. The International Federation of Robotics (IFR), for instance, reports that in 2017, with 387,000 units sold, worldwide sales of industrial robots reached a new record high, up 31% on the previous year. The biggest growth recorded was 58% in China; in Germany, growth stood at 8%.
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