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Only around one in ten German companies currently have their own digitalization team with a Chief Digital Officer (CDO) to drive their digital transformation. In particular SMEs are therefore missing a trick here in terms of consistently modernizing their production facilities. To raise managers’ awareness of the potential of digitalization, Intralogistik-Netzwerk Baden-Württemberg e.V. has joined forces with a number of partners to develop a business game for Industry 4.0 .

The basic scenario is a production-logistics system for the series production of circuit boards. It simulates various processes such as production at three assembly stations, quality assurance, and a warehouse for material supplies for production, including a picker and warehouse clerk. The business game runs over the course of an entire day, with each game aiming to impart basic digitalization knowledge, including process optimization and production flexibility, to between five and ten participants. The knowledge acquired should then be applied in a use case in the participating companies.