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Compact combined heat and power plants (CCHPs) are among the winners in the current energy debates. CCHP plants, which supply both electricity and heat, have numerous advantages. For one, they are much more efficient than conventional large power plants because they use the same energy source for both heat and electricity. This translates into lower costs and reduced environmental impact. They also enable autonomous operation, and when combined with absorption chillers they can additionally supply cooling. The Sokratherm gas-fired GG 530 CCHP unit on display at HANNOVER MESSE 2014 is the world's smallest CCHP plant in the 500 kW class.

With a footprint of just 5.55 square meters, the GG 530 generates electricity with an efficiency of 40 percent and achieves 89 percent overall efficiency with an output of 532 kW of electricity and 661 kW of heat. Unlike most CCHP plants in this power class, the GG 530 is fully assembled in the factory and can be installed and commissioned in a few days. Like all Sokratherm CCHP units, the GG 530 features advanced control technology and Internet-based remote monitoring. All key components are housed in an acoustic enclosure to provide amazingly quiet operation. Triple vibration decoupling additionally prevents structural vibration transfer, even without an elaborate foundation.

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