Exhibitors & Products

Process optimization is top of the wishlist for just about every process in Industry 4.0. One example is Kanban, which has been a proven method of production process control since it was developed at Toyota 70 years ago and offers undeniable potential for improvement. WERMA Signaltechnik, based in Germany's Swabian Jura region, is at HANNOVER MESSE 2017 to showcase a whole host of innovative process optimization systems - SmartMONITOR for manufacturing companies, AndonSPEED for distribution logistics and StockSAVER for production logistics.

StockSAVER is an easy-to-use retrofit solution for all FIFO flow racks. (FIFO stands for "first in - first out".) It solves the typical Kanban problems, creates much more space for value-adding activities in production and thus increases cashflow. The material requisition created automatically using StockSAVER eliminates employee error and thus removes the need for reserve stocks. StockSAVER is also easy to start up and can be expanded as and when users wish. The preconfigured kits are ready for installation immediately.