Energy transition transforming mobility
About a third of the world’s energy production goes into mobility, so there can be no energy transition without a thorough re-think of mobility. We need to move past merely developing new, sustainable and efficient drive technologies and embrace whole new concepts of mobility that are integrated by design into intelligent, holistic energy systems. Several concrete examples of exactly how this vision might be achieved will be on show in the MobiliTec section of this year’s Energy show.
The road to zero-emission mobility is smart. Charging your electric car for free with solar power from your own rooftop PV array has moved out of the lab and is now a "plug-and-play" reality. "At MobiliTec, we will be showing how bi-directional electric vehicle charging works," explains Rainer Hensel from automaker Mitsubishi. "Our EV has a 16-kW battery that can be charged using a standard household wall plug. Up to 12 kW of the battery’s capacity is available for storing PV power which can then either be used in the evenings to power household appliances or kept and used to run the car the next day." A new software system to further optimize this mobile storage solution is due for market release this fall.
Companies and organizations from Germany’s industrial heartland of Baden-Württemberg have maintained a strong presence at MobiliTec for many years. This year, the Baden-Württemberg pavilion will feature 42 companies and research institutions who will be exhibiting under the motto, "Automated, connected, electric." One of the exhibitors at the pavilion is e-mobil BW GmbH, a Baden-Württemberg state agency that promotes electric-vehicle and fuel-cell technologies and provides information and advice on all aspects of eMobility. The company’s mission is to support the process of technological and social change embodied by electric mobility and to facilitate the industrialization of new electric vehicle technologies. Its President, Franz Loogen, explains: "Although the volume of new electric vehicle registrations is currently lower than expected, there is no doubt that the future of mobility is electric. Cost reasons alone dictate that by 2030 only about a quarter of all newly registered vehicles will be powered solely by conventional internal combustion engines. By developing and offering high-tech eMobility solutions right now, our exhibitors are carving out a strong starting position in this emerging multi-billion-dollar market."
This year’s Energy show will also have a strong focus on technologies for the production of hydrogen from intermittent renewables, such as solar and wind power. With these types of technologies, surplus renewable electricity is stored as hydrogen produced by water hydrolysis. The hydrogen can then either be converted back into electricity and fed into the grid or used in fuel-cell-powered vehicles. The latter is a further example of the close interrelationship between renewables and eMobility – an interrelationship that is opening up exciting opportunities for completely new interdisciplinary collaborative ventures.
International plugs and cables provider Mennekes Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG is just one example of the multitude of promising new business models that leverage the vast synergy potential between the renewables and eMobility sectors. At this year’s Energy show, the company is profiling an array of EV charging solutions under its "Charge up your day" motto. "This year, we are presenting a new marketing strategy," explains Mennekes media spokesman Burkhard Rarbach. "We don’t just make charging cables, plugs and systems; we support these products with expert services to ensure the smooth implementation of our customers’ electrification projects. We carefully tailor our services to each of our customer segments, whether they’re private individuals, hoteliers, energy companies, or vehicle fleet operators. That’s the key to overcoming people’s preconceptions and their natural reluctance to try new approaches," he said. Mennekes is committed to expanding its communications and service offering throughout Germany and wider Europe.
Hall 27 at this year’s Energy show boasts a strongly international lineup. Highlights include the latest CHAdeMO fast-charging solutions, plus a sizeable contingent of Dutch exhibitors, who will be demonstrating their activities and solutions at the FME pavilion. Numerous companies from this year’s HANNOVER MESSE Partner Country, the USA, will also be there with the latest technology innovations for tomorrow’s mobility. Then there’s the MobiliTec Forum, where more than three dozen big-name experts from Germany and abroad will give presentations on the latest trends and developments in eMobility. And for those who would like to experience eMobility up close and personal, there’s always the test-drive circuit (open-air site adjacent to Hall 27) where they can take the latest electric mobility innovations for a spin.
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