Eyecatching ceramics
Sembach presents objects with backlit contours
Visitors to HANNOVER MESSE 2014 who associate ceramics with exceptional functional properties rather than attractive appearance may be surprised or even fascinated to see both combined in the same object. Jewelry, wristwatches and control elements made from zirconium oxide demonstrate that engineering ceramics can be used to create decorative objects with attractive designs. The deep black or glossy white surface and unique tactile sensation – the cool, elegant feel of the material – give objects such as switchers, buttons or bracelets a special air.
At this year's HANNOVER MESSE, Lauf-based Sembach Technical Ceramics, an old hand in the industry, again offers visitors an opportunity to immerse themselves in their diverse product portfolio. The theme of this year's presentation is decorative ceramic objects. For the production of ceramic components with complex backlit shapes, the company developed a special process that can also be used for backlit contours containing "lost molds" As a special attraction, Sembach is exhibiting a variety of objects embedded in a pyramid that enables 360-degree panoramic backlighting.
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