HANNOVER MESSE spotlights pioneering work in industry
Multimodal sensors for industrial robots, powder-based additive manufacturing at zero gravity, energy management for distribution grids or a cold-chamber die casting machine. Whether in production, in the energy sector or in logistics, everything starts with research and development. At the world's leading tradeshow for industry, scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs present their latest projects and results.
The Research & Technology sector in Hall 2 at HANNOVER MESSE serves as the hub for research, development and technology transfer. Exhibitors include research institutions as well as established companies and startups. Under the lead theme "Integrated Industry – Industrial Intelligence" they present their pioneering work in areas such as artificial intelligence, man-machine collaboration, intelligent energy solutions, e-Mobility, and bionics.
"Research & Technology is the only research event in the world that crosses all industry sectors," said Olaf Daebler, Global Director Research & Technology at Deutsche Messe. "Such a broad scope opens doors to industries and industrial networks where researchers and scientists discover new, perhaps unfamiliar, fields of application for their innovations."
Organizations that have already registered to exhibit include the German Ministry for Economy and Energy, the Fraunhofer Society, the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel, Hamburg Invest, and the Society of German Engineers (VDI).
The supporting program includes the Night of Innovations and the daily forums Tech Transfer and SCIENCE|SQUARE as well as Young Engineers Day, which Deutsche Messe and the Society of German Engineers (VDI) stage together on Thursday of the show. The career day for young engineers and students studying technical sciences consists of guided tours, technical discussions and workshops. It also provides an overview of career opportunities and enables direct contact to potential employers. The Young Engineers Night rounds out the program.
The forum Tech Transfer focuses primarily on innovation management and technology transfer: participants have the chance to find new cooperation partners. Topics range from battery technologies, bionics and materials to lightweight design, additive manufacturing and energy efficiency to startups, SMEs and Work 4.0. At SCIENCE|SQUARE, seven German states present their innovations as well as their newest findings, products and services.
In 2018, 372 companies exhibited in Hall 2, attracting 56,000 visitors.
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