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In the model factory students of the Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts are to become familiar with all aspects of Industry 4.0 and industry digitization. The initiators modeled the production of correctly filled medicine trays for a hospital in an exemplary manner. From the input of medication by the medical staff on a tablet PC to the delivery of drugs to patients, the model factory digitally displays the entire process. The students are to be familiarized with all process specifics and ultimately be able to use methods of digitization sensibly and confidently.

The shortage of skilled workers is one of the most frequently cited obstacles when switching to Industry 4.0 technologies. However, not only know-how is lacking for implementation in many companies – especially in management, many decision makers also cite lack of time as a reason for their reluctance. Practical courses of study, such as are possible with a model factory, are therefore important factors for the production of the future.