Exhibitors & Products

People process up to 80 percent of information visually, so lighting choices can have a major impact on proper information processing. Lighting influences personal health and well-being, as well as having a measurable impact on motivation and work performance. But while ergonomic factors alone have long determined lighting choices, today economic and environmental factors are increasingly important. Lighting fixtures’ energy consumption is now a key decision point. This is why Berlin-based i-save energy is presenting its new i-save LED tubes at HANNOVER MESSE 2014.

What makes the broad-based use of i-save LED tubes possible is their complete compatibility with inefficient T8 tubes. This means i-save LED tubes are suitable not only for new offices and facilities, but also as replacement lighting. Along with their brilliant color rendering, their 120-lumen-per-watt light output is unique in the LED tube market. Their constant output in heat and cold as well as the large selection of lengths and light colors also contribute to the i-save LED tubes’ appeal. With their efficiency and long lifespan, replacing old T8 tubes quickly pays for itself.

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