Exhibitors & Products

Original or fake? Is it a luxurious brand item, a genuine document or a shoddy replica? Technological solutions for digital product identification are as important for intelligent Industry 4.0 factories as the products that control manufacturing and technical anti-forgery protection in mechanical engineering. That is why they are also among the innovations that Schreiner ProTech is showcasing in partnership with the Schreiner ProSecure, Schreiner LogiData and Schreiner Services competence centers at HANNOVER MESSE 2016. Just one example is the company’s groundbreaking functional labels for the networked factory of the future.

With these integrated RFID labels, the Schreiner Group is paving the way for intelligent component labeling – which is very much a growing need. Besides optimizing logistics processes, RFID labels like these can also be used to log component life cycle stages and even automate the set-up of manufacturing machines and identify components entirely automatically. The integrated authentication process is simply carried out via a smartphone app. And should users wish to consult any supporting documentation, such as installation or maintenance guides, this can also be done very conveniently using the NFC interface or by scanning a 2D code.

Schreiner Group GmbH & Co. KG (85764 Oberschleissheim, Germany), Hall 8, Stand D08
