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Now here's a very literal interpretation of the term "healing hands"! The MediGlove project being showcased by the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences / Research & Technology Transfer Center at HANNOVER MESSE 2016 is set to make medical examinations more relaxing and natural by combining a number of innovative technologies into a glove. This wearable aid for medical personnel such as doctors, nurses and carers combines the traditional standard examination instruments such as stethoscope, thermometer and pulse monitor into one practical modular device.

The MediGlove should not only make examinations more intuitive, but also measure vital signs in high-resolution using natural gestures and automatically record them in a patient’s digital medical records, thus providing a more permanent and thorough record. The MediGlove, which stems from a design project at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, has already won two special awards – at the Future Convention by Cisco Systems and mm1 Consulting & Management in 2014 and the BESTFORM Mehr|Wert|Award from the German state of Saxony-Anhalt in 2015. Further interdisciplinary development work is currently being conducted on the MediGlove, and a fully interactive prototype of the latest generation is on show to the public for the very first time at HANNOVER MESSE 2016.

Hochschule Anhalt Forschungs- und Technologietransferzentrum (06366 Köthen, Germany), Hall 2, Stand A38, Topic: R&D Collaboration Pavilion, co-exhibitor with TU Dresden, Forschungsförderung
