Exhibitors & Products

Ever since it was founded in 1976, the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials has been renowned as one of the cornerstones of economic growth in the Republic of Korea. With a primary R&D focus on key mechanical engineering technology, the Institute conducts safety tests, inspects machine components and materials and finally launches fully developed products and machinery by way of technology transfers and support. At this year’s HANNOVER MESSE, KIMM is showing off a whole range of fascinating exhibits, including a robotic prosthetic foot, a high-speed gear unit for electric vehicles and even a two-armed robot.

The two-armed robot system developed by the Institute's expert engineers is suitable for use in a whole host of applications. Whether it's packaging processes in logistics, assembly tasks in the IT sector or even therapeutic treatments - the market seems to be crying out for two-armed assistants. The robot is similar to a human in size and its newly developed, ultralight yet strong arms can carry more than seven kilograms. For skeptics who might say you could just simply combine two single robot arms, KIMM offers hardware developed in-house, which features a special process design with control algorithms designed for two-handed usage right from the start.
