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The study by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) is based on a survey of 9,000 people living in Germany. The results showed that the image of the various occupations differed considerably. The prestige of some training occupations is as high as those requiring university studies. IT and mechatronics specialists enjoy the highest prestige, followed by industrial clerks as well as medical assistants and assistant tax consultants. Other training occupations such as chefs or salespeople, on the other hand, are held in rather low esteem. According to the authors of the study, industry should not underestimate the findings as they can play a decisive role in the search for skilled workers. Professions with a low reputation are usually also those for which companies have difficulty attracting trainees. According to BIBB President Friedrich Hubert Esser, above all, the framework conditions for such occupations must be improved.

In a “Tagesschau” (German public broadcaster news program) interview , Achim Dercks of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) recently pointed out another cause behind the shortage of skilled workers: the closure of ever more vocational schools has resulted in trainees rejecting some offers because the nearest institution is too far away for them.