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Monomers, in somewhat simplified terms, are any chemical components from which polymers can be produced via polyreactions. Or stated even more simply: they are a raw material for plastic. Dyneon has now developed an innovative process in collaboration with InVerTec and Bayreuth University, with which some 90 percent of monomers can be recycled. This could be a decisive breakthrough on the path to true sustainability for a valuable material that is indispensable for many industrial applications in the chemical and automobile sectors. The process is being presented to the public for the first time at HANNOVER MESSE 2014.

The upcycling of fluoropolymers can be seamlessly integrated into existing infrastructure. Using pyrolysis, perfluorinated polymers are recycled into gaseous monomers with a very high recovery rate. These monomers are fed into the existing distillation plant, and thus returned to the regular production cycle. The first-ever high-temperature recycling facility for fluoropolymers will process 500 metric tons of waste from Dyneon’s production and other sources in the near future. The Germany Environment Ministry is financing the facility with a subsidy of €1 million in the framework of an environmental program.

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