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The solution comes from Universal Robots in collaboration with Robotiq. As Helmut Schmid, Managing Director of Universal Robots Germany, reports in a specialist article for all-electronics.de , process stability is the decisive factor in the production of high-quality audio equipment. It is not, however, assured at all times, especially for delicate and therefore manual work steps. Now, two Cobots named Jonathan and Fritzchen are helping Beyerdynamic employees by reducing quality variability and increasing the productivity of the process. While the two take on the repetitive tasks, the employees made of flesh and blood can devote themselves to activities with a higher added value.

To reduce fears of contact, the project partners have taken an unusual step, Schmid further explained. Before they started working, one of the collaborative robots was programmed to mix cocktails for a summer party. The fact that communication was open right from the start and the employees could freely choose whether they wanted to work with the Cobots dispelled the initial skepticism.

Another current Cobot pilot project has already been a success. “Accompanying robots for postal delivery reaps praise,” read the headline of heise.de on the use of delivery robots at Deutsche Post. As has now been made known , the company wants to further develop the project after a “very positive conclusion.”