KUKA’s Mission 2030: Automation for Everyone
Every day, automation finds applications in more and more areas. Which means that in the next decade, more and more people all over the world will work with robots. No wonder then that the automation specialists at KUKA have set an ambitious goal for themselves: provide everyone with easy access to automation.
How does the Augsburg, Germany-based robotics firm plan to do this? With an operating system that makes automation solutions simple and intuitive to use. Participants in the HANNOVER MESSE Preview on 3 February enjoyed a sneak peek at KUKA’s plans to open up areas in automation that until now were often reserved for experts.
“Our mission by 2030 is to make automation simpler, more intuitive, and available to everyone. This will lower the entry threshold and programming a robot will then be as easy as working on a PC today,” explains Peter Mohnen, CEO of the KUKA Group.”
Click here to watch KUKA’s presentation and for further press information.
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