New job profiles: Cloud Builder and IoT Officer
Industry 4.0 and the digital transformation are creating new job profiles, such as Cloud Builder and Chief IoT Officer. Current priorities for new IT jobs are artificial intelligence and computer security.
Specialized recruitment consultancy Robert Half conducted a survey of over 700 decision makers, including 201 Chief Information Officers (CIOs). The question it posed concerned where the greatest job opportunities would lie in the IT sector in the future. The survey found that the majority of investments are currently being made in the fields of digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and computer security. Companies with 500+ employees also named the Internet of Things (IoT) as their investment priority. This will have an impact on future job profiles.
32% of the IT managers surveyed see a need for a Chief IoT Officer; cloud builders or cloud computing engineers and security experts rank second with 28%. Also in high demand are data scientists, data protection officers, robotics software developers, and 3D printing experts; on the commercial side, there is a growing demand for e-learning managers. 58% of respondents also reported that the increased use of technology brings with it added stress for employees. 49% of managers stated that the digital transformation will boost productivity and improve customer communication. They also believe that collaboration between departments will also be optimized.
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