Exhibitors & Products

What’s new/innovative about it?

The current state of the art comprises a common workspace of human and robot, but without significant interaction between both. The developed robot solution enables hand-in-hand work for this lack of interaction. The robot is controlled by gestures or speech and calculates its movement in real time. In addition, it can be set up by gestural movement, for example, by giving him the movements that he is to perform. The robot can follow both hand and arm movements of the user. At the same time, all user information and the working environment are recorded, evaluated and adapted. The user is detected by a 3D camera and logged in to the system. Ergonomic settings of the working environment such as table height and lighting are automatically made. The user can even talk to the robot and give commands as well as receive information from the robot (status information, instructions, environment information, etc.).

The movements of the robot are mainly done by detecting the hands of the user using a 3D sensor. The robot drives the center of the hands and can follow the hands. By a gripping movement of the respective hand - these are servo-electric grippers in hand-shape of the company Schunk GmbH & Co. KG - the robot puts the component into the respective hand of the user. After the user's editing tasks, the user can transfer the component back to the robot.

On the 3D HMI, the system is displayed as a 3D visualization in order to view, operate and observe the system in real time.

Does the product have a USP?

The solution is a new development. Performance data of the grippers and the robot, maintenance intervals, data of the environment such as temperature and lighting as well as data of the user (pulse, emotions, line of sight) are recorded. Technical information as well as curriculum vitae and status of components are available.

The NXT LEVEL human robot collaboration can be used everywhere where a lot of manual work is required and a high quality requirement is placed. It enables for the first time the complete cooperation of human and robot without spatial or temporal separation.

The individual work steps are displayed in the work process, thus significantly improving quality and efficiency. The solution is not bound to a specific field of application, but can relieve heavy or repetitive work. The robot can decide independently in case the user is not in the working environment. He can then either do secondary jobs or go to stand-by, optimizing his work or using less energy. The robot relieves the user of heavy or always the same work, so that the user is significantly relieved in connection with the optimization of the working environment.

What is the product’s main benefit for the customer?

The system can be used very flexibly. The user can configure the robot by fixed or dynamic programs and guide him to the intended locations or to an object and generate his movements without programming experience. This creates countless applications. In addition, the robot can be mounted on a mobile carrier and drive autonomously to the desired workstations and support the user(s) in the activities accordingly.

Can these benefits be expressed in numbers?

In general, the technology in terms of the ergonomic workplace increases quality. In addition, depending on the application, a time saving of 30-50% can be achieved.

In what way does the product relate to the motto of HANNOVER MESSE and/or CeMAT (“Integrated Industry – Connect & Collaborate” and/or “Connected Supply Chain”)?

NXT LEVEL human robot collaboration integrates the human workspace and innovative robotic technology into a collaborative, integrated and forward-looking collaboration. This aspect pays off in line with the motto "Integrated Industry - Connect & Collaborate" at HANNOVER MESSE.

In what way does the product contribute to integrated processes and/or Industry 4.0?

The solution allows a fusion of virtual and real world and for the first time the complete cooperation of humans and robots. They do not have to work spatially or temporally apart. However, the user is not tied to a terminal, but can move freely and control the robot, the entire system, retrieve set parameters and information during maintenance or conversion processes or individual functions via smartphone or smartwatch.

Thus, all the requirements of Industry 4.0 with regard to completely digitized and networked operation can be implemented.

To what extent does the product reflect the idea of integration (of employees, external business partners, processes)?

Different and new technologies are linked together to create a unique work environment. By capturing users and emotions, the robot can react accordingly, e.g. work slower or give hints. Even the control despite spatial separation shows a seamless networking of processes.

Are there any other important points that you can think of?

The development of the solution is based above all on the idea that not only the human has to grasp the robot, but the robot also the human. This results in the basis of a human-robot COLLABORATION.

From this idea emerged e.g. the novel highlight of the solution is that the robot can "learn" actions and movements through gesture movement of the user and thus can be set up quickly and easily for the necessary movement sequences.