Exhibitors & Products

Product piracy continues to be a huge problem. According to a study by the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), losses in mechanical and systems engineering rose 24 percent from 2010 to 2012 to €7.9 billion per year, with an upward trend. Piracy now involves not only individual components and replacement parts, but everything from complete gear motors and control systems to complex facilities. Small and medium-sized businesses are increasingly targeted by counterfeiters. According to VDMA, one of every two companies with fewer than 250 employees is already impacted – a huge threat potential for the German small business sector. Marking is one way to accurately differentiate originals from counterfeits. 3S Simons Security Systems, specialized in legal counterfeit protection, is therefore presenting its product line at HANNOVER MESSE 2014.

Based on the premise that a counterfeit protection system must easily and cost-effectively integrate into existing manufacturing processes, 3S is exhibiting various industry solutions with SECUPRODUCT® at the core. SECUPRODUCT® counterfeit protection directly protects products, components and parts in mechanical and systems engineering as well as the automotive and aeronautics sectors. The solution is based on SECUTAG® micro color code technology and can be applied precisely with a dispenser to nearly any solid material. 3S is also showing combined

traceability and counterfeit protection with SECUDATA® and how to secure valuable packaged products with the OTF security label.

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