Exhibitors & Products

The low-code movement is finding its way into companies and meeting demands for modern, mobile and agile application development. It is a new class of tools especially for users with little or no development- or coding knowledge. The success of these platforms (LCDPs) is making point-and-click, drag-and-drop and wizard-controlled “programming” tools increasingly obsolete.

Salesforce , one of the leading providers in this segment, has been shown to be the worldwide-leading provider of low-code development platforms for AD&D (Application Development and Delivery) pros, according to an analysis carried out by Forrester. Its role has been confirmed by other analysts: Gartner sees the CRM provider as a leader in the Magic Quadrant for hpaPaaS (high productivity application Platform as a Service). These highly-productive application platforms for businesses offer, amongst other things, RAD (Rapid Application Development) functions for development, deployment and execution – in the cloud. According to Forrester Research, Salesforce, Appian , Kony , Mendix and OutSystems have the broadest and most complex platforms, AgilePoint , Bizagi , K2 and ServiceNow offer competitive options, Skuid and Trackvia address niches, and PNMsoft and Progress Software lag far behind.