Exhibitors & Products

What is the name of your product?
EcoStruxure™ Automation Expert

What problem does your product solve?
EcoStruxure Automation Expert supports hardware-agnostic automation system design to create step change improvements across the full lifecycle of industrial assets.
EcoStruxure Automation Expert implements an open, software-defined runtime platform that enables users to avoid vendor lock, and tailor architectures and control system strategies to maximize innovation and results.

What is new/innovative about it?
EcoStruxure™ Automation Expert provides unparalleled levels of engineering efficiency, process agility and solution capability through the use of asset orientated engineering, hardware/software abstraction and native IT integration

Does the product have a USP? If yes, what is it?
With EcoStruxure Automation Expert you are.

  • Driving to 100% engineering efficiency
  • Ready for 100% effectiveness
  • Now 100% future-proof
  • What is the product’s main benefit for the customer?
    Automation Expert enables system integrators, OEMS and automation end users to create automation solutions, find and fix operational problems, and alter production flows faster, with less risk, and less effort than traditional approaches to industrial automation.
    Based on quantitative studies of engineering effort required to solve real world problems, we have found that Automation Expert provides up to:

  • 3x faster application creation
  • 6x faster diagnostics
  • 7x faster production alterations
  • How can your product contribute to industrial transformation?
    EcoStruxure Automation Expert is based on the principles of “universal automation” and the IEC 61499 standard, making it “both a highly productive control system design tool and a harbinger of a coming era where automation software reaches new levels of portability and hardware independence.”
    With the widespread adoption of Universal Automation, a new approach to open automation spearheaded by Automation Expert, industrial operations could save $30 billion / year. (source)

    Are there any other important points that you can think of?

    EcoStruxure Automation Expert:

    1. Enables automation applications to be built using asset-centric, portable, proven-in-use software components, independent of the underlying hardware infrastructure.

    2. Allows the user to distribute applications to any system hardware architecture of choice —highly distributed, centralized, or both — with minimal to no additional programming effort.

    3. Supports established software best practices to simplify the creation of automation applications that interoperate with IT systems.