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Despite digitization, even leading industrial companies still rely on paper checklists for their quality control, maintenance or service calls, as the founders of Dataformers have learned from discussions with customers. However, this data must later be digitized for backup and evaluation in a time-consuming, expensive and error-prone process.

The Testify app offers digital checklists on smartphones. Any defects can also be recorded directly and assigned to the responsible employee in real time, including photos and comments. The first major customer, Bombardier Transportation in Vienna , has been using Testify to test the trams produced there before delivery since 2016. According to Dataformers, this saves the company 40 hours per set during final acceptance. The app is currently being further developed for the purpose of predictive maintenance: Testify intends to use the collected data to provide the basis for predictive machine maintenance and new business models based on it.

The resulting spin-off Testify GmbH is not the only company offering such a solution. For example, Reinstil from Mainz has been marketing its Firstaudit app for some time now.