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According to the Federal Ministry of Economics, renewable energies are Germany’s most important source of electricity, and their contribution to the power supply is growing steadily. However, feed-in is naturally subject to weather-related fluctuations, resulting in imbalances between generation and load. Stabilizing the power thus requires powerful storage units. Robert Bosch GmbH has developed such a power storage system for primary regulation energy together with EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG in their joint venture Kraftwerksbatterie Heilbronn GmbH .

Since mid-April, it has been installed in the EnBW Heilbronn power plant, making it the first of its kind to be integrated into the control technology of a large-scale power plant in Germany. The storage unit consists of 768 lithium-ion battery modules and offers a maximum power output of around 5 MW with an installed storage capacity of 5 MWh. The amount of electricity that it can take in and deliver in exactly the right amounts corresponds approximately to the average annual electricity consumption of 400 two-person households.