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Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates have launched a "Technology Innovation Pioneers" initiative (TIP) to promote the development of cutting-edge technologies and thus ready themselves for the post-oil era.
The UAE Ministry of Economy and the Department of Economic Development in Abu Dhabi have launched an initiative called "Technology Innovation Pioneers" (TIP) as a catalyst for local technological innovation. TIP represents a true pan-entrepreneurial ecosystem, which will host an annual conference, awards and other events focusing on pioneers in technology and innovation. The Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) is presenting a comprehensive showcase of the initiative at HANNOVER MESSE 2018.
The flagship TIP event will be an annual conference bringing together technological pioneers, healthcare innovators, representatives of future industries, the energy sector and environmental organizations. It will be hosted in Abu Dhabi by the Ministries of Economy and Health together with many other government agencies and private companies. Another TIP initiative is the Health Innovation Award, aimed at producing a range of innovative solutions to improve Abu Dhabi's health sector and to tackle the latest medical challenges. Last but not least, the Takamul innovation program is geared toward assisting inventors and promoting innovations throughout the United Arab Emirates. The aim is to make the UAE one of the world's leading centers of innovation. To achieve this, the program will support entire innovation cycles - from sparking initial ideas right through to their commercial implementation - in the name of generating economic and social progress throughout the UAE. The beneficiaries of the scheme are inventive individuals and companies at different levels from a wide range of fields.
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