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Delphin Technology AG, based in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, has expanded its Expert Logger series with the new 400 model, whose OPC UA client/server interface makes it ideal for universal exchange of measurement data at field level, thus ensuring it meets the challenges of Industry 4.0 head on. The new Expert Logger device is also fitted with ProfiBus, ModBus, CAN-Bus and serial interfaces, while PCs can be connected via USB, LAN, WLAN or LTE.

The new 400 model has 16 universal differential analog inputs for measuring mV and mA signals or any type of thermocouple. The high precision meets the toughest demands placed on a data logger with 24 bits and a maximum measurement rate of 1,000 measurements per second. The new Expert Logger can also be used to measure Pt100(0) sensors in 2-, 3- or 4-wire technology or strain gauges. With 24 switchable digital inputs and outputs overall, edges and malfunctions can be recorded with microsecond precision or alarms can be generated. A total of six analog outputs enable operation of regulating and control elements.

The Expert Logger series offers a range of different models with 16 to 46 analog inputs that are ideal for independent data acquisition and test stand automation. Monitoring functions are performed independently within the device. Measurement data and limit value violations can be transmitted to subsystems directly via the OPC UA interface. This interface also offers data exchange with PLC systems and connection to PLT systems. What's more, ProfiSignal Go software for mapping and analyzing measurement data online and offline remains an integral part of every Expert Logger device.