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An exoskeleton is a stabilizing outer shell, typical of organisms such as arthropods. Along with endoskeletons and hydroskeletons, exoskeletons make up one of the three main types of natural supportive structure found in animals. For some time now, engineers and developers have been considering how these external structures could be used to benefit humans. IUVO, a spin-off of the BioRobotics Institute at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in the field of wearable technologies, has therefore committed to developing wearable, intelligent and active tools that aim to improve quality of life. The first concrete examples are robotic exoskeletons designed to support personnel in industrial and service environments and help patients with impaired mobility.

IUVO is being supported in this project by investment from Össur and Comau, with Comau the majority shareholder in the joint venture. Launched in 2015, the company is backed by strong strategic and technological synergies, with key contributions from each partner. The focus is on research and development, as well as the launch of application-oriented robotic technologies such as the exoskeletons. As a worldwide leader in advanced automation solutions, Comau brings with it a vision for innovative, open and user-friendly technologies, and proven expertise in producing reliable robots. Meanwhile, Össur is renowned for delivering highly sophisticated, scientifically backed solutions in minimally invasive orthopedics designed to improve human mobility. Last but by no means least, IUVO's engineering expertise in the field of wearable technologies is further boosted by the prestige and experience of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna.

Comau S.p.A. (ITA-10095 Grugliasco)
Website: www.comau.com/en