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First British firm Milk & More in May – these days the traditional English milkman arrives in electric silence on the island – and now Westnetz GmbH as the electricity and gas distribution network operator from western Germany awards a major contract to StreetScooter . 300 electric-powered operational vehicles are to be used in future by employees of the i nnogy subsidiary for maintaining and expanding its distribution network. The large-scale contract was preceded by a pilot project in which Westnetz trialed ten StreetScooters from the Deutschen Post DHL Group -owned company in real operating conditions to test their capacity, practicality and handling.

In a long-term partnership, the two companies now want to jointly develop a vehicle that meets the network operator’s specific requirements. These include a 70 kW engine and a top speed of 120 km/h. There are also plans to use fuel cells and hydrogen to increase range and adapt the vehicles to the demands of network operation in rural areas.