Wind energy in the doldrums
Not since the year 2000 have so few wind power plants gone into operation as in the first six months of 2019. The relevant associations are calling for the approval logjam to be broken.
On behalf of the German Wind Energy Association (BWE) and the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) , Deutsche WindGuard determined how much energy was fed into the German electricity grid from wind power plants in the first six months of 2019 . Accordingly, the additional output amounted to just 287 MW, which corresponds to 86 wind power plants. This is 82% less than in the first six months of 2018, which was itself weak. For the whole of 2019, the BWE is expecting a maximum increase of 1500 MW. By comparison: in the period 2014 to 2017, the amount of electricity from wind energy increased every year by an average of 4,600 MW.
According to the BWE, the main reason for the hesitation in commissioning new plants is the large number of appeals, most of which are based on the protection of nature and species of plants and animals. This is followed by military concerns and the VHF omnidirectional range, which are required for aerospace navigation. According to an analysis by the specialist agency Windenergie an Land (FA Wind) , appeals have currently been made against more than 300 wind power plants with a total output of over 1,000 MW. The German Wind Energy Association is calling for an action plan to approve more plants in order to reach the national development and climate protection goals for 2030.
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