Exhibitors & Products

"We are a startup and had just initiated our first pilot project, but we wanted to present our innovative software to the world," says Amir Kaufman, who co-founded the Israeli company WonderLogix together with Dror Roth. "We knew that HANNOVER MESSE was the largest trade show of its kind and thanks to the new Young Tech Enterprises program we were able to be a part of it," says the mechanical engineer.

The company didn’t have a lot of time to prepare. "After our YTE pitch we quickly designed a stand and posted messages on Linkedin and our website – even though as newcomers we didn't have many followers," recalls Amir Kaufman. "For the trade show we rented a TV and played a descriptive cartoon, which was well received. But what helped us the most was going out and finding interesting firms and bringing them to our stand." The small WonderLogix team then demonstrated its product on a laptop: "Our innovation is a software platform for designing industrial control systems. It uses human language to define the logic of operation and automatically translate it into controller code," explains Kaufman.

"Get a feel for the market; observe the reaction of potential customers to our innovative approach. Generate as many leads as possible. And find at least two good starting points for a business deal or a strategic partnership," says the co-founder of WonderLogix when describing the company’s main goals for its appearance.

The result was positive: "Thanks to the Young Tech Enterprises program, we were able to afford our appearance even as newcomers. It was a great experience to be able to showcase our technology, get feedback and make contacts that impelled our business forward." In Hannover WonderLogix found three potential strategic partners who want to adopt the technology and incorporate it into their products. "That was the biggest surprise," says Kaufman. "There is no other way that would have allowed us to have such direct and easy access to the R&D managers or CEOs of these companies."

"We have received many inquiries in the follow up after HANNOVER MESSE and we’re hoping for more." WonderLogix wants to put more effort into its next appearance at the trade show. "We want to organize many meetings in advance. We want to create more marketing materials. And we will hold a presentation or participate in a discussion. The goal of our next appearance is to help us become a fixture in the market," says Kaufman.