Exhibitors & Products

statmath GmbH describes its innovation in a somewhat cryptic way - it stems from the increasing demand for professional advice and support when analyzing large and almost unmanageable data volumes and solving complex mathematical problems. If that all sounds rather abstract, the company's appearance at HANNOVER MESSE 2017 made things clear very quickly. Exhibiting at the North Rhine-Westphalia region's pavilion for its Ministry of Climate Change, the Environment, Agriculture, Conservation and Consumer Protection, the Siegen-based startup showcased the new 1.1 version of its energysim price calculator - a practical online application for price transparency and energy advice.

The new version of the energysim price calculator comes with many improvements and new features, as well as a transparent and intuitive cost structure. What's more, statmath GmbH has reported that HANNOVER MESSE 2017 served as an excellent opportunity to establish new German and international contacts. These discussions also generated a number of new ideas for enhancing the energysim price calculator. The company is just as excited about implementing these ideas as it is about the extensive positive feedback the application received at HANNOVER MESSE 2017.

The young entrepreneurs at statmath GmbH were also delighted to take part in and showcase energysim at the Young Tech Enterprises forum, the exhibition area for startups at HANNOVER MESSE. This provided the chance to underscore one of the key messages behind the idea for the application: the fact that uncertainty in companies' electricity requirements, fluctuations in electricity prices, and ongoing changes in electricity generation as a result of the development of renewable capacities in line with Germany's renewable energy laws all create a major risk factor for energy providers and businesses. As a result, statmath GmbH sees it is as absolutely crucial for all market players to use suitable models to support risk management decisions.

With statmath GmbH also taking part in a Young Tech Enterprises startup pitch to promote their products and ideas to a large international audience, the young entrepreneurs feel that their first appearance at an international trade fair has been a huge success, and have confirmed on their website that they are preparing for HANNOVER MESSE 2018 already.