Exhibitors & Products

Hannover. Hydrogen + Fuel Cells Europe is one of the biggest exhibitions at HANNOVER MESSE’s Integrated Energy show, featuring some 150 exhibitors every year. The successful exhibition format was ‘exported’ to the USA last year, premiering as Hydrogen + Fuel Cells North America at the SPI (Solar Power International) show, and is now being expanded and rolled out to CeMAT ASIA for the 2019 season. Staged by Deutsche Messe every fall in Shanghai, CeMAT ASIA is the Asia region’s leading trade show for intralogistics technology.

This year, more than 600 companies will use the show to present their high-tech solutions for the Asian logistics market – a market that is coming under growing pressure as high levels of urban pollution drive up demand for low-emission commercial vehicles. Fuel cells are an eco-friendly drive technology that can help meet this demand, particularly in the trucks segment.

"By staging Hydrogen + Fuel Cells exhibition at CeMAT ASIA, we are adding a new, sustainable energy focus to the show. Sustainable energy is a growth area of the commercial vehicles segment, with many manufacturers currently developing a range of eco-friendly, high-performance options,"commented Benjamin Low, Deutsche Messe’s Global Director Integrated Energy.

The Hydrogen + Fuel Cells exhibition at CeMAT ASIA 2019 is expected to feature some 40 companies from all around the world. Its primary focus will be on technologies that store renewably generated energy in the form of hydrogen as well as fuel cells for different mobility applications.

CeMAT ASIA 2019 will be held from 23 to 26 October in Shanghai. It will be co-staged with PTC ASIA (power transmission and control technology) and ComVac ASIA (compressed air and vacuum technology).