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Hannover. The company core sensing won The HERMES Startup AWARD with its project coreIN , which is a robust and reliable force and torque sensor that records and transmits data directly and wirelessly from a rotating component. This functionality enables integration into various machine elements and components as well as constant component monitoring, which prevents failures and reduces maintenance costs.

"With the HANNOVER MESSE Digital Edition, we offer young companies an excellent platform for presenting themselves at the world's most important industrial fair. The success of core sensing shows that it is always worth competing with other companies," says Dr. Jochen Köckler, CEO of Deutsche Messe AG.

Jury chair and Fraunhofer President Professor Neugebauer: "Startups are essential catalysts for innovation. In the international innovation system, they are among the most effective ways of translating new ideas and the latest research results into applications and bringing them to market at high speed. With core sensing, I am particularly pleased to recognize a spin-off that helps companies more comprehensively exploit the diverse potential of digitalization. coreIN is a real enabler and driver here – and a brilliant example of how integrated sensor technology promotes the digitalization of production."

The HERMES Startup AWARD ceremony took place on 12 April at the HANNOVER MESSE Digital Edition.

With the HERMES Startup AWARD, Deutsche Messe annually recognizes a company that is younger than five years old and whose product or solution has a particularly high level of technological innovation. This year the prize was awarded at the HANNOVER MESSE Digital Edition. From 2022 onwards, the winner will be honored during the HANNOVER MESSE opening ceremony.

The jury members:
Professor Reimund Neugebauer (Jury Chair), President, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Professor Ina Schieferdecker, Department Head, German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Professor Friedrich Bleicher, Chair for Cutting Production Technology, Institute for Manufacturing Technology and High Power Laser Technology at the Vienna University of Technology
Ken Fouhy, Chief Editor, VDI Nachrichten
Georg Giersberg, Business Editor, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Werner Götz, Chief Editor, Industrieanzeiger
Professor Kathrin Möslein, Vice President Outreach, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Professor Siegfried Russwurm, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Member of the Presidium, acatech
Udo Schnell, Editorial Director, VDI Fachmedien, and Chief Editor, Konstruktion
Claus Wilk, Chief Editor, Produktion
Dr. Manfred Wittenstein, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, WITTENSTEIN SE