The edge for your enriching future
IoT has the power to change society for the better by connecting information from different types of physical devices in networks. But can we evolve IoT by using only cloud systems? The growing number of IoT devices using cloud systems creates multiple challenges today by increasing loads in six areas: vast amounts of data; privacy risks; latency in data transmission, processing, and analysis; high electric power consumption; service continuity; and security maintenance. To overcome these challenges, Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation (“SSS”) is introducing a new edge AI sensing platform called AITRIOS™.
The name “AITRIOS” consists of the platform keyword “AI” and “Trio S,” meaning, “three S’s.” Through AITRIOS, SSS aims to deliver the three S’s of “Solution,” “Social Value,” and “Sustainability” to the world.
Through this platform, SSS seeks to facilitate development of optimal systems, in which the edge and the cloud function in synergy, to support its partners in popularizing and expanding environmentally conscious sensing solutions using edge AI, and to deliver new value and help solve challenges faced by various industries.
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