Aussteller & Produkte
27 Treffer
Surakarta - ID
ATMI IGI ist ein professionelles Unternehmen für nachhaltige Produktentwicklung basierend auf kunststofffreiem, vollständig abbaubarem Material (Solinatra) ...
Global Sukses Solusi Tbk
Yogyakarta - ID
RUN System ist ein ERP-Softwareanbieter für Unternehmen, der alle Geschäftsprozesse, die im Unternehmen stattfinden, mit jeder Einzigartigkeit abwickelt. ...
Himpunan Kawasan Industri Indonesia
Jakarta - ID
Indonesian Industrial Estates Association or Himpunan Kawasan Industri Indonesia (HKI) was established on 20th of June 1988 as the association of companies ...
Ministry of Industry
Jakarta - ID
Ministry of Investment/BKPM
Jakarta - ID
Die BKPM oder das Indonesische Investitions-Koordinierungsbüro ist eine Regierungsbehörde, die für die Umsetzung von Politik und Service-Koordination im ...
Nusantara Capital Authority
Jakarta - ID
6 ECONOMIC CLUSTERS Clean Technology Industry Cluster Integrated Pharmaceutical Industry Cluster Sustainable Agriculture Industry Ecotourism and Health ...
Jakarta - ID
Stechoq Robotika Indonesia
Sleman - ID
Techno GIS Indonesia
Sleman - ID
TechnoGIS ist ein Geospatial-Technologie-Unternehmen mit überlegenen Low-Cost-Umfrage-Tool-Produkte, Cloud-Mapping-Software und Geodaten Kartierung und ...
Teknologi Digital Nusantara
Jakarta - ID
Techbros ist ein globales, branchenübergreifendes Full-Service-Unternehmen, das Kunden in aller Welt technologische und organisatorische Beratungs- und ...
Blue Marine Echosounder
Techno GIS Indonesia, Sleman - ID
Mapping under the sea will easier and more efficiency with high accuracy GNSS with singel/multi beam echosounder. Blue Marine Echotrax ...
Solusi247, Jakarta - ID
An easy and convenient data management platform that runs on YAVA247*, suitable for collaboration, data management and workflow ...
Digital Control System
Stechoq Robotika Indonesia, Sleman - ID
A system designed to control and monitor manufacturing process.
Teknologi Digital Nusantara, Jakarta - ID
ElangAI is an essential computer vision development platform for creating and deploying machine learning applications on edge devices.
Stechoq Robotika Indonesia, Sleman - ID
LPG Delivery Automation and Monitoring System
GIS Survey Mobile
Techno GIS Indonesia, Sleman - ID
Application to make it easier for surveyors to perform more efficient topography measurements and mapping. GIS Survey Mobile is intended ...
HGrid247 AN
Solusi247, Jakarta - ID
Hgrid247-AN is a visual big data analytics platform that runs on top of Hadoop and Spark. Enables data scientists to perform self ...
HGrid247 DE
Solusi247, Jakarta - ID
A low-code Big data Integration and Engineering tool that supports essentially all big data frameworks: batch, real-time, and streaming. ...
International Conference
Ministry of Industry, Jakarta - ID
The International Conference on Eco-Industrial Parks, a road to G20 event. Accelerating Eco-Industrial Parks for Inclusive and ...
Mini-Plan Production System
Stechoq Robotika Indonesia, Sleman - ID
Students will be provided with an understanding of fundamental technology such as pneumatic and electro-pneumatic systems, ability to ...
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