#HM25 Exhibitor Spotlight - AIR LIQUIDE
Air Liquide was founded in 1902 on a simple idea: the industrial production of oxygen from air. More than a century later, argon, nitrogen, hydrogen and many other products continue to inspire new ideas for value-added solutions for customers and patients every day.
13 Jan 2025Share
Presentation of your innovative product / unique selling point
Can you briefly introduce your product and highlight what makes it unique?
Our mission is to sustainably decarbonise mobility and industry so that the energy transition can succeed. At Air Liquide, we believe that renewable hydrogen will play a key role. This hydrogen is produced in our 20 MW PEM electrolyser ‘Trailblazer’ - currently the largest electrolyser connected to a pipeline in Germany.
How does your product contribute to the promotion of sustainable production or industry, particularly in relation to our theme 'Energising a sustainable industry'?
Hydrogen offers huge potential and is quite versatile. Due to its high energy density, it is not only interesting for various applications in industry and mobility, but can also act as an energy storage medium. By refuelling heavy goods vehicles (e.g. buses and trucks) with renewable hydrogen, we enable our customers to drive almost emission-free.
Future outlook
How do you see the future development of your product, especially with regard to the growing demand for sustainable solutions in industry?
We believe that we are just at the beginning of the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy. In the mobility sector, purely battery-electric drives for heavy goods vehicles in particular are often not economical due to the high costs of the necessary charging infrastructure. The use of renewable hydrogen in mobility is also characterised by short refuelling times and a long vehicle range. Due to the wide range of applications, we expect volumes to increase steadily.
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