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Learning Systems is a platform initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The BMBF has cooperated with the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) to create an interactive map that provides access to the most important German AI application and research location via twelve filters.

The locations are divided into three large groups: applications and projects in which artificial intelligence plays a role are found under “AI Innovations at a Glance”. Additional filters such as “Image recognition and comprehension” or “Human-machine interaction and assistance systems” can be used to narrow down the search for applications. The second major group is called “Focusing on Applications”. Six selected AI applications of German companies and research institutes are presented there. The third group, “AI Research Institutions” shows users important German research locations on the map, but they can call also them up as a list. Other filters can then be used to limit the selection even further, for example to non-university research institutions.